How To Use a Sex Doll?

In the past few years, sex dolls have become incredibly popular as people seek ways to pleasure themselves or experiment with new things. They are designed to feel and act like a real woman or man. Many people use these dolls as a type of masturbation aid or practise on them before having real-life sex with a partner. Here’s a guide on how to use a sex doll so you can have the best possible experience!

Set Up The Basics

Before you start using a sex doll, it’s important to set up the basics. First, make sure you have the right doll for the size and style of your penis. This will make a world of difference when it comes to the pleasure you get out of using the doll. Second, make sure that the doll is easy to clean. Most manufacturers include soft material that can be peeled away to expose the sanitary parts. Third, make sure that the doll is waterproof so you can wash it before and after sex. This will prevent water damage or an embarrassing mess in case of a messy ejaculation. Fourth, make sure that the doll is dust-free to keep its clean, fresh feel. If you use the wrong kind of powder on it, it could lead to damage, so watch out for that! Last but not least, put some time into learning how to properly use the doll so you get the most pleasure possible out of it. This article will help you figure out everything you need to know about using a sex doll including what type of stimulation you want from it and how you want to use it!

Choose The Right Location

When you’re using a sex doll, the most important thing is to choose the right location. The ideal location for masturbation or practising on a sex doll is in a private, safe and clean place. You should feel free to experiment with different surfaces to get the best experience. Some people like to use a specially made masturbation couch while others prefer to use a soft surface such as a bed or even the floor. It’s all about personal preference, so find what works best for you and stick with it! Ideally, you want a quiet and/or private place free from distractions. This will make a massive difference to your experience and ensure that you get the most out of your new toy. If you have kids or pets, make sure that they don’t come in to contact with the doll. Also make sure that there are no other people living in the same house so you don’t end up with any awkward situations due to either of you being accidentally exposed! Finally, make sure that the area is well-lit so you can easily see what you’re doing. This will ensure the best experience possible when using a sex doll.

The Most Important Thing To Keep In Mind

The most important thing to keep in mind when using a sex doll is safety. You must remember that it is still a mechanical product and has functional parts that could malfunction or break if not handled properly. This kind of risk is what makes owning a sex doll a bit more precarious than simply buying a doll for sexual purposes. If you’re new to this kind of hobby, make sure that you take the time to learn how to use and maintain the doll safely. This also means that you should learn basic first aid so you can treat any injuries that may occur from falling or hitting your head during jerking off due to lack of hand-eye coordination. If you have any previous medical issues that kept you from having sex in the first place, now might be the right time to have unprotected sex with a professional. Alternatively, make sure to practice safe sex, wear protection, and use a condom during foreplay and actual intercourse. Remember: safety first!

Wash The Doll

Once you’ve set everything up, it’s time to clean the doll. First, remove all of the gadgets and accessories attached to the doll. You don’t want to be wearing them while using the doll, and they could end up breaking or getting damaged during use. Second, bathe the doll thoroughly in warm, soapy water. Scrub and clean all of its surfaces and internal parts properly. Third, dry the doll with clean cloths or dryer sheets. Fourth, put on your rubber gloves before handling the doll’s internal organs. Last but not least, vacuum seal or store the doll’s packaging so it stays clean and dry.

Use The Right Lube

Now that you’ve washed the doll, it’s time to use it. First, put on your rubber gloves. This will keep your skin from being damaged by oil or lubricant. Second, pour a small amount of oil or lubricant on your middle finger. You can use any type of oil or lubricant; it’s all about finding what feels best for you. Third, insert your oil-finger into the opening at the base of the doll’s neck. You want to go slow, steady and deep. Push all of the way in until you feel a slight resistance. Now pull out slightly and repeat this process until you hear a satisfying ‘click’ followed by a ‘thud’. This is your sign that you have reached the right spot. Finally, move your oil-finger to the base of the dolls’s spine where you can feel it moving as you thrust. Feel free to change positions and try new things as often as you like!

Experiment With Different Strokes

The ideal way to use a sex doll is by experimenting with different strokes. Some people prefer to use gentle stroking while others like to hit the spot harder. Experiment with what feels best for you and find the perfect pace to reach the ultimate climax! Remember: the more you use, the more you’ll want!

Never Underestimate The Power Of Imagination

Last but not least, never underestimate the power of imagination. You can take any type of sex toy you want and through a bit of creative thinking, turn it into something new and exciting. The sky is the limit! Whether you’re into bondage or want to add a bit of a sci-fi element to your sex life, you can always find the right tool to help you out. With a few bucks, a pair of handcuffs, and some duct tape, you can turn an ordinary vibrator into a sexy taser. Imagine how powerful your mind can be when applied to a cock or a pussy – you can turn almost anything into something new and exciting when used correctly!

These tips on how to use a sex doll should have gotten you pretty far. Hopefully, this article was an education for you on how to engage with a mechanical partner in a healthy and pleasurable manner. From setting up the basics to taking care of the little things after sex, this article should have taught you the basics of using a sex doll safely and effectively. Now, it’s time to have some fun!

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