How To Properly Measure Your Penis?

Your penis is an important part of who you are. Studies show that men with a larger penis feel more confident about themselves and have more satisfying sexual experiences. If you’re not happy with the size of your penis, there are options to make you feel better. You shouldn’t feel bad about being born with a certain organ; rather, you should feel honored that your body created such a beautiful gift.

Some researchers suggest that the way you carry yourself—with confidence and a pleasant smile—is directly related to the size of your penis. So if you want to know how to properly measure your penis, here are a few tips from the experts.

Use The Right Tool

There are several ways to measure your penis, so it’s important to pick the right tool for the job. If you’ve been using a measuring tape to estimate how long your penis is, you’re doing it wrong. Tapes aren’t made for this purpose; they were designed to be used for measuring fabrics and clothes. You also shouldn’t use a ruler to measure your penis, as they’re meant to be used for measuring flat surfaces like tables or floors. Calculators are also a big no-no; they were never intended to be used in measuring sexually-related items, and they were never designed to be accurate to the millimeter.

Instead, use a ruler and a pencil to measure your penis. The best thing about this method is that you can use it discreetly. If you’re alone or visiting a friend, it’s easy to measure without having to worry about anyone else seeing you.

Look At Different Angles

To get an accurate measurement, you should look at your penis from different angles. This way, you’ll be able to see all of its dimensions and the overall shape. When you’re doing this, be careful not to pull down on your penis during the inspection. Letting your penis flutter is as good as an erection, so if you want to see how it measures up, you should do this privately.

Also, be sure to measure it when it’s completely relaxed. There are several ways to do this, including getting a good night’s sleep and drinking plenty of water. A fully-erect penis is about 2.2 inches longer than a flaccid penis. The reason for this is that as your body gets relaxed, the muscles begin to relax, leading to an erection. So if you want to be sure of how big your penis actually is, measure it when it’s not erect and compare the results to what you already know. This way, you’ll know for sure how much your measurements have changed. Of course, this also means you’ll have to wait until then to have sex again.

How To Measure Your Penis

The process of measuring your penis can be tricky, especially if you have never done it before. Not only will you not know what to expect, but you will also not know how much measurement variation there is between individuals. This makes it even more important to follow a series of clear procedures so you can reach your desired results.

The first and most important step to taking proper measurements is to remove all clothing. It is recommended that you wear underwear during this process to make it simpler and easier to reach the necessary locations. Remember: the measurements you obtain will be very helpful for determining the right size of a future investment.

After stripping down, you need to make sure the penis is completely dry. This can be a challenging task, especially if you have an erection. If you are worried about being wet, use a towel to dry off before starting the measurements. Make sure to grab the underside of the penis while using the towel so it does not get mixed up with the measuring scale.

The Biggest Mistake

Once you have dried off your penis and laid down on the floor with your legs in the air, allow yourself to soften and flatten out. Next, using a tape measure, begin taking measurements from the base of the penis to the tip. Make sure to position the measuring tape so it is wrapped around the entire circumference of your penis. Do not worry about how you are feeling at this moment; the tape measure should not touch the surface of the skin nor should it be pressed too hard against the penis. Take your time and make sure you account for every inch.

The base of the penis is the part that connects it to the body. It starts just beneath the belly button and slopes down toward the groin. From there, it extends up toward the head. When measuring the base, make sure you are holding the tape measure in the proper position. If you are wondering what the proper position is, imagine holding a flat-screen television in the air with just one hand. The position of your arm should be relaxed and the tape measure should be at eye level so you can see it clearly as you measure.


In summary, measuring your penis is an essential part of determining its size. This is because there are so many variables that can affect the outcome, such as the health of the penis, the position in which it is measured, and whether or not you have an erection. As you can see, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. This is why it is important to take the time to measure it properly so you can get the most accurate results possible.

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