Why Do My Balls Hang So Low?

Man holding his head

Most men sooner or later notice that the position of their balls in relation to the scrotum changes. And many find that their balls are hanging too low or lower than they consider normal. In this article, we will look at the physiology of the testicles and the reasons why they may hang at different … Read more

Does Coconut Oil Kill Sperm?

Does Coconut Oil Kill Sperm?

There is no scientific evidence that suggests that coconut oil kills sperm. However, some people believe that it can reduce the quality of sperm. Coconut Oil And Sperm Coconut oil is a popular choice for people seeking a natural and healthy alternative to conventional cooking oils. It is a sustainable choice due to its relatively … Read more

Does Alcohol Make Your Penis Smaller?

Does Alcohol Make Your Penis Smaller?

It is quite a common perception that drinking alcohol causes your penis to become smaller. This perception originates from a popular meme that claims drinking alcohol makes your penis look like a “sausage” or a “salami”. While this may be an amusing perception to some, it doesn’t have to be. There are simple scientific explanations … Read more

Why Does My Penis Burn After Sex?

Why Does My Penis Burn After Sex?

You wake up one morning, and there’s just one word on your lips: burn. No, not burned — as in I had a barbecue and the meat tasted great. But rather, burn as in my penis burnt after sex last night. What the Heck Is Wrong With Your Penis? This is a fairly common question … Read more