When Is a Dick Considered Big?

When it comes to penises, size does matter. But what exactly is considered a “big” penis? The study found that the majority of women 65% want a man with a penis that is larger than average. Interestingly, only (84%) of men feel the same way about their own penis size. In this article, we will look at the details of what penis sizes are and how they are classified.

When Is a Dick Considered Big?
In general, however, a penis is usually considered to be “big” if it is significantly larger than the average penis size, which is approximately 5-7 inches in length when erect.

Classification of Penises by Length

The penis begins to grow from about the age of 12. At the age of 20, the formation of the organ ends, but for some, this process lasts up to 25 years. The main increase in the diameter of the penis head and its trunk falls in the period from 17 to 18 years.

Conducting sociological surveys in different parts of the world has helped scientists classify all sizes of the male genitals:

  • too short – up to 3.9 inches (found in people with micropenis syndrome);
  • small – 3.9 to 5.5 inches;
  • medium – 5.5 to 6.6 inch;
  • normal – 6.6 to 7.4 inches;
  • big – 7.4+ inch.

How to Measure Penis Length

When it became clear, that the penis is considered large from 20 centimeters or more, it is time to measure your phallus and dot all the “i”‘s. To determine the size of the penis, you need to take a ruler or tape and measure with it the distance from the pubic bone to the tip of the penis.

For the results to be correct, the following tips should be followed:

  • It is best to use a flexible centimeter tape to measure. It will allow you to accurately establish the length of the penis, taking into account its physiological curves;
  • If a ruler is used when measuring, it should be placed tightly against the surface of the penis. Measuring at a distance will give incorrect information;
  • The procedure should be performed in a state of psychological peace, in a warm room. In the cold or under the influence of a stressful situation, the length of the penis is temporarily shortened;
  • Measurements are taken only in a state of full erection. With a flaccid penis, the result will be unreliable.

Important! The measuring tools must be clean! They should be previously washed with soap and rinsed under running water.

Girth Also Matters

Basically, all representatives of the stronger sex focus their attention on the length of their male “dignity” and do not take into account the fact that the thickness of the penis is also important.

Scientists distinguish three types of phalluses:

  • thin – girth 2.3-2.7 inches;
  • medium – girth 2.7-3.5 inches;
  • thick – the girth is 3.9-4.7 inch.

Anything below or above these parameters refers to deviations from the norm.

2 cogerettes different size in the hands

Is Having a Big Penis Good or Bad?

To answer the question of what it feels like to have a large sexual organ, you first need to know all its advantages and disadvantages.

The positive features of the large phallus include the following:

  • is a source of pride for a man;
  • gets rid of complexes in bed;
  • women like it;
  • it looks aesthetically pleasing.

The disadvantages of impressive dignity include the fact that it will not suit every partner. All representatives of the fair sex differ from each other in the structure of the genitals. For example, one woman has a wide vagina, and another has a narrow one. For the latter, even the average penis size is considered large and can cause them discomfort during sex.

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When it comes to penis size, there is no “right” size. Instead, it’s all about what works for you and your partner. That said, some men do feel insecure about their penis size, wondering if they measure up.

So, when is a dick considered big? While there is no definitive answer, most people tend to agree that a penis is on the large side if it is over six inches in length when erect. Of course, some women prefer a smaller penis, while others may find that a penis of this size is too large and uncomfortable. Ultimately, it’s up to you and your partner to decide what size is best for you.

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