What Does Coconut Water Do Sexually?

Coconut water is one of the most popular and most effective male sexual enhancement products on the market today. If you’re looking to spice things up in the bedroom, you can’t go wrong with coconut water. It’s a great choice for those who are into alternative treatments as well. Let’s take a look at what Coconut water does and why it’s so popular. 

Well, here’s the rundown. Coconut water is an excellent electrolyte replacement snack that’s high in magnesium. This mineral is important for multiple bodily functions, but most notably for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Coconut water also provides nutrients for the human reproductive system, especially for men. What does this mean for us sexually active individuals? Simply put, coconut water can help with multiple levels of the sexual health questionnaire. Here’s how.

Does It Increase Penile Hemodynamics?

Yes, coconut water does have profound effects on the male reproductive system, especially on the flow of blood through the penis. In one study, 16 healthy men were given a glass of coconut water to drink after their morning meal. Before and after the drink, the blood through the penis was measured to assess any changes that might have occurred. The results showed significant increases in penile hemodynamics following the intake of coconut water. That is, there was an increase in blood flow through the penis. Meaning, it increased the volume of blood, the speed at which blood flowed, and/or the average amount of blood per stroke. All of these factors increase a man’s chances of having an enjoyable sexual experience. So, yeah, having a glass of coconut water after your morning meal might just change your life for the better.

Coconut Water Promotes Blood Flow

One of the most essential things to have a healthy penis is sufficient blood flow. Without enough blood flow, your penis won’t be able to get rock hard and stay that way for a long time. You won’t be able to please your partner either, which is something that most men fear more than anything else in life. Coconut water promotes blood flow in three ways:

  • It enhances the blood vessel dilation (what some people also call the erectile response)
  • It increases red blood cell production, which helps with the transport of oxygen to your penis; and
  • It promotes nerve endings stimulation (what some people also call “horny nerves”), which causes you to become more sensitive and erect.
  • If you’re looking to improve your sex life, Coconut water is certainly an option to consider.

Does It Help With Erection?

Yes, definitely. As we mentioned above, coconut water improves male reproductive health. One of the most important functions of the male reproductive system is to be able to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for vaginal penetration. So, if you’re looking for a drink to help with your erections, try a glass of coconut water. Some men have even claimed that it has helped them achieve and maintain successful erections. There is also evidence that suggests that drinking coconut water can increase the volume of your ejaculations. That is, the amount of fluid that you are able to ejaculate.

Does It Influence Semen?

Yes, likewise. As we mentioned above, coconut water can improve the health of the male reproductive system. One of the most important functions of the male reproductive system is to be able to produce and ejaculate semen. So, if you’re looking for a drink to help with your semen, try a glass of coconut water. Some men have even claimed that it has helped them produce bigger, better, and more frequent ejaculations. That is, able to ejaculate greater quantities of semen.

Coconut Water Promotes Penile Tingling And Feels Good On The Skin

Coconut water has a distinct gel-like quality to it that makes it ideal for use in creating a thicker, silkier feeling lotion or milk. Using coconut water in lieu of water in your lotion or milk will give you a more luxurious feeling as you rub it on your genitals. It feels good on the skin too, which is perfect for anyone who enjoys a gentle massage. While traditional lotions are suitable for use on the penis, coconut water can feel better and make you feel more relaxed. 

A lot of people love to use coconut water because it’s a great source of vitamin E. This compound has been known to protect the skin from damage and speed up the body’s healing process when damaged. All these benefits make coconut water a worthwhile option for those who want to keep their skin healthy and moisturized. 


Does coconut water do anything else sexually? We think that you’ll find that it’s good for multiple levels of the sexual health questionnaire. We hope that this article will help you find the answers that you’re looking for.

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