How To Put On a Condom Without Being Awkward?

Ah, the awkward moment when you are about to put on a condom for the first time…

You’ve been dating the person you love for a while. You’ve been through a lot together, but this is the moment where your relationship will be put to the test. While you’re happy that this is finally going to happen, you’re also a little nervous. You want to do it right, but you’re not sure how.

It’s normal to feel anxious about your first time. After all, the last thing you want is to do it wrong. You want to make sure that you’re both ready and that the condom feels good. While most people assume that sexual intercourse is painful, that’s far from true. It can be exhilarating and even feel great. There’s no need to fear it. As long as you do it right, you will not feel uncomfortable. You will not hurt your partner. You will not regret it. 

Learn About Yourself

This is important because you should not rush into anything. You should take the time to learn about your body and how it functions. If you want to do it right, you should both take the time to get to know each other’s bodies. Feelings will not be hurt by taking the time to learn about each other’s bodies and quirks. Even if you don’t like something about your body, you can always find something to like about your partner’s. You should not feel pressured to have sex if one of you is not ready, or in the right mood. It could be disrespectful to your partner to do it without their agreement. Even if you both want to, it is still acceptable to ask if they’re sure. There are lots of fun and exciting ways to have sex, but nothing should be done without full consent and understanding.

Get Relaxed

You’re probably a little tense because you’re anxious about putting on a condom. That’s normal, but you should still try to relax. It’s easy for your muscles to tighten while you’re anxious, and that makes it harder for you to have an enjoyable experience. When you feel yourself getting tense, take a deep breath and let go of any muscles you may be consciously trying to hold. This will help you get relaxed, and in turn, make it easier for you to have good sex.

Be Careful

While you want to be careful, you also want to enjoy yourself. It would be best to use a water-based lubricant with the condom to ensure that it sticks to your skin and does not dry out. A few small tears in the skin and you could be exposing yourself to infection. If you’re not careful when you remove the condom, you may end up ripping it, which would make it easier for bacteria to enter your body. Always be careful when removing a condom, and be sure to put it back on correctly. There are lots of different positions that you can try, and it will depend on what feels good to you and your partner. Use your hands to help remove the condom, never your mouth or nails. If you do it wrong, it could cause you serious damage. Even if you think that the position you’re in is not comfortable, one position does not make it easier for you to put on a condom. You should be able to move around comfortably even when wearing one, so that your partner has a good view of what’s going on.

Take Your Time

Last but not least, we have time. You should enjoy yourselves, and allow yourselves the time to get ready for sex. It’s easy to get distracted by the little things in life and forget about the big day. While you should be caring and try to make sure that your bodies are in good condition, you should also allow yourselves the time to get ready for sex. There’s no rush, and it will all be over soon. Take your time, relax, and enjoy yourselves. Everything will be okay.


These tips on how to put on a condom without being awkward will hopefully help you do it right the first time. If you want to try it or have done it before, make sure that you’ve practiced putting on a condom and know what size and type of latex gloves you need for the project. Also, if you don’t like the feel of condoms, there are alternatives such as polyurethane dams which are thinner than latex condoms but offer better feel and more protection.

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