How To Know if a Condom Is Too Big?

While many people think that the world of sex is limited to just kissing, having sex, and cumming, there is actually a lot more to it. There are lots of different positions, actions, and behaviours that can lead to a satisfying sex life. While there are many different kinds of condoms, not all of them are made equal. Some are just more comfortable to use than others. The main problem is that not all condom manufacturers are created equal, and some are actually quite bad. We want to help you tell the difference between the good ones and the bad ones. That is why we have put together this list of tips on how to know if a condom is too big or too small.

Signs That A Condom Is Big On You

Here are the main signs that your condom may be too big:

  1. If your condom is moving up and down on your shaft during sex, it is too wide.
  2. If the condom feels baggy, it is likely too wide.
  3. If the condom falls off during sex, it is too big.
  4. If your penis girth is below 4.7 inches when erect, you should use a snug/small size condom.
  5. If there is a large amount of the condom hanging off the end of your penis, the condom is too long.
  6. Pull on the tip of the condom after you put it on. If it slides off easily, it is too big.
  7. If your penis length is under 5 inches and your girth is under 4.6 inches, the condom is too big.

Know What Is The Correct Size

There are three basic measurements that you need to know about, and they all relate to your condoms. First, measure the circumference of your erectile shaft. This is the widest part of your penis (from side to side) when it is erect. The second measurement is the depth of your erection. You will want to make sure that your condom is big enough to cover your erectile shaft (but not too big that it cuts off the sensitivity of your penis). Third, measure the length of your condom. This is the part that you hold in your hands when putting it on, it usually extends out of the package about an inch and a half to two inches. Be sure to read the user guide that comes with your condom. It will tell you what size to use. If you are not sure what any of these measurements mean, then you should probably just go with what your partner tells you because we are not going to teach you how to properly use a condom.

If you are using a pre-packaged condom that does not come with any sizing information, then usually the manufacturer will tell you that it is about a medium. We do not recommend using these types of condoms because they do not offer any sort of accuracy. If you are using condoms for the first time, then you should choose one that is a good match for your partner’s penis. Remember, you are the one that will have to get used to putting it on and being intimate with your partner so you should choose a comfortable size. Also, if you are using it for the first time, then make sure that you do not go too big or too small. If it is too big, then it will cut off the blood circulation to your penis which could lead to problems. If it is too small, then it will make it less effective and cause you to be more likely to break during sex. The best thing for both of you is if you can find a good match that is neither too big nor too small. You can also use a condom calculator to ensure that your selection is the right size.

What Are the Dangers of a Condom That Is Too Big?

If you use a condom that is too large for your penis, it can fall off during sex, which increases the risk of STIs and pregnancy. Also, the condom may not provide enough pleasure, and if it is rolled up a bunch at the base, it can cause a rubber band effect which can be very uncomfortable and can cause a loss of erection. Even if the condom stays on, if it isn’t snug enough, fluids and skin-on-skin contact can both lead to an increased risk of pregnancy and STIs.


To conclude, it is very important to find the right condom size for you. Many men worry too much about the size of their condoms and penises, but if your partner keeps coming back, it is clear that they are happy with your size. It is better for both of you to find a condom that fits well, as this will make sex more enjoyable for you and will help to keep both of you safe. Use a tape measure to find the right size.

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