How To Clean a Sex Doll?

Cleaning a sex doll is quite a daunting task it is not something that you can accomplish in a few simple steps. However, with proper planning and research, you will be able to carry out this task successfully.

What Is Water Damage?

If your sex doll has been in a pretty wet place (or if it’s been raining heavily), then you will notice that it begins to deteriorate quickly once it’s been exposed to water. This is why it’s important to clean and dry it after every wash or after every period of heavy rain. When you do this, however, you will notice that certain parts of it (like the hair and some fabrics) start to deteriorate even more. This is why it’s important to take good care of it and ensure that it is clean and dry at all times.

How Do You Use A Cleaning Kit?

To clean your sex dolls, you will need to use a suitable cleaning kit that is designed for this purpose. There are several options available, so you can find the one that suits you best. Keep in mind that it is not always easy to find the right solution for your specific doll, so if you fail to do this, then you may end up damaging it even more. When you use the wrong solution, you run the risk of the above-mentioned effects happening.

Some kits come with solutions designed to remove the initial artificial smell that is often imparted to dolls when they are first manufactured. This is usually a detergent mixed with other essential oils, and it helps to remove that “doll-like” smell from your doll. Even if this smell is imperceptible to the human eye, it can still be prominent enough for others to notice it. If you’re looking for a way to freshen up your sex doll without taking it apart, then you can use this kind of solution to help remove the smell.

Why Is It Important To Dry Your Sex Doll?

Drying your sex doll is extremely important because, even when clean, water-based lubricants can sometimes cause damage. This is why it’s best to apply a water-repellent coating to the surface of your doll. This coating will help prevent any of the lubricant from being absorbed into the fabric, which can cause damage. When applying this coating, always be sure to use a clean, damp cloth to keep the finished product looking pristine.

What Are The Main Parts Of A Sex Doll?

A sex doll is typically made up of three parts: the head, the body, and the pelvis. The head can be anything from a simple cap to a highly detailed silicon skull. The body is the largest part of the doll and is typically manufactured from a soft, pliable plastic. This part includes the ribs, the spine, the arms, the legs, and the waist. The pelvis is the part that connects the thighs to the abdomen and is often the part that gets the most attention when it comes to cleaning. The skin on the pelvis is slightly thicker than the rest of the body, so it’s more prone to absorbing fluids and solvents than the rest of the doll. This is why it’s important to clean this area often and ensure that it is completely dry before putting it back together again.

How Long Does It Take To Clean A Sex Doll?

This really depends on the type of doll you have and the level of cleanliness you’re aiming for. Some dolls, like the classic Barbie doll, can be cleaned and put back together in under an hour. Other dolls, like those designed by the company FEI, can take as much as ten hours to put back together. This is why it’s important to take your time and do it right the first time. If you rush, you risk messing up the proportions and making the doll look goofy.

When disassembling your doll, take your time and be as careful as possible. You will need to get every single part cleaned and dried before you put it back together again. This is why it’s important to take your time and do it right the first time. If you rush, you risk messing up the proportions and making the doll look goofy.

How Do You Store Your Sex Doll When Not In Use?

Even if you take excellent care of your sex doll, there is always the chance that it can be damaged or destroyed in storage. To avoid this, it’s important to take the time to pack and store it properly so that it can be easily transported and accessed whenever you need it. As mentioned above, some dolls can be put together in under an hour and require little to no storage space, while other dolls, like those manufactured by the company FEI, can take up to ten hours and require a lot of room to store.

To store your sex doll successfully, you will need to use packing materials that are designed for this purpose. These materials will help protect your doll and ensure that it stays in good condition throughout all the storage and shipping. When shipping, always pack it appropriately and use the right type of materials for the kind of shipment you’re making. This will prevent any type of damage to your doll during transit.


To recap, just as with other luxury items, taking good care of your sex doll can help it last much longer than expected. This is especially crucial if you or someone else is going to use it frequently. The above mentioned tips will help you be the best possible version of yourself when building and taking care of your very own sex doll. If possible, you can even enhance the longevity of your doll with some of the products and materials available online. Make sure to store it in a cool, clean area and maintain a safe distance from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures, which can cause serious damage.

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