Can a 7 Inch Fit a Magnum?

Magnum condom in a hand with a flower

Choosing the right condom is important for great and safe sex. If you choose the wrong size condom, it may be too tight and cause discomfort or, on the contrary, too loose and fall off at the most inopportune moment. Before you buy a Magnum condom, read this article to the end and find out … Read more

How Tight Should a Condom Be?

DIfferent size condoms on different fruit and vegetables

A properly sized condom is a very important thing. If it is too big or too small, it can slip off the penis or tear, increasing the risk of being the father, of an unplanned child, or the transmission of one of the sexually transmitted diseases. And an unsuitable condom for you can cause rubbing … Read more

How To Stay Erect With A Condom?

condoms and banana

Condoms are one of the most popular methods of contraception and for good reason. They are highly effective in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and they can be used by people of all genders. However, some men wonder how to stay erect with a condom. This is a common problem that can be solved, … Read more

What To Do If A Condom Slips A Little?

bananas in condoms

A condom is designed to fit snugly over a man’s penis to prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted diseases. A contraceptive is a thin sheath that covers the penis, and it is made of latex, polyurethane, or lambskin. It is one of the most popular methods of contraception, but they are not perfect. But … Read more

Are Condoms Supposed to Feel Tight?

condom in hand

This is a question that often plagues people who are new to using condoms. And it’s a valid question! After all, condoms are designed to fit snugly over a penis in order to prevent pregnancy and STDs. So, one would assume that they would feel tight. However, that is not always the case. There are … Read more

How do I Know What Size Condom to Buy?

different condoms

When it comes to condoms, size does matter. Condom magnitude is an important factor in using contraceptives for safe sex. But how do you know what size condom to buy? In this review, we’ll cover how to measure a condom, the different condom sizes available, and the different types of condoms. Wearing a condom that … Read more

How To Masturbate With A Condom?

condom and cucumber

Masturbation is a safe and healthy sexual activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to explore your body and learn what feels good. When it comes to self-pleasure, there are endless ways to do it. But have you ever tried masturbating with a condom? If not, you … Read more

How To Carry Condoms With You?

How To Carry Condoms With You?

Condoms – protecting yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy – are vital for everyone. No matter your gender or sexual orientation, you need to know how to carry condoms with you. It’s never easy getting things done, especially when you’re not used to doing things on your own. That’s why we’ve put … Read more